Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to get rid of scratch on car!!! went through the clear coat?

I backed into a pole and I got most of the paint off the pole on my car with WD 40 and got my car polished. I also used scratch out but their are some white scratches and I think it is through the clear coat. How can I fix this!!! I am trying to sell my car and I am on a low budget!How to get rid of scratch on car!!! went through the clear coat?
buy a can of acrylic clear coat and some fine grit sandpaper

spray on as even as possible and wet sand untill you feel you've done the best you can doHow to get rid of scratch on car!!! went through the clear coat?
This really works....get a crayon close to the same color as your car (crayons are made of wax),';color'; the scratch and rub in with a cloth using a circular motion, repeat until scratch is gone. Cheap enough for ya?
i own a shop and i wouldn't worry about that part of it right now,because to totally remove all of it you would have to sand it down ,maybe paint that area and re-clear it,if its not that noticeable id save my money because a repair of that size could cost a few hundred to get done.especially with paint supplies going up just about everyday now,for now id see if it would sell without doing this,there's nothing you can do to it that will really help it any more than it is now,good luck selling it,hope this helps.
first off compound it with fine 3m glazing not rubbing compound but glazing, that will feather it out then buy a touch up bottle of paint and mix a little of it in the glazing compound and do that a few times do not over pressurize it take your time with it nd you'll see just Liuka new
Unfortunately, if its through the clear, there's nothing you can do about it.
well if they are small scratches I'd leave em alone but if they are big and nasty try getting some touch up paint from the parts store or dealer,Use some alcohol to clean the scratches,shake your paint up real good.It should come with a brush if it dosen't you can use the paper end of a match or tear the corner of a piece of newspaper and twist it a little,it makes a nice lil brush.Now dip the brush in the paint and dab it on the edge of the bottle to take off the excess paint and just dab it on the inside of the scratch and let it flow out and fill the scratch keep doing this slow and easy until you've repaired all the damage.If you get a lil crazy and the paint starts to drip out of the scrthc just wipe it up quickly with the edge of you finger and be more careful...good luck

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